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PrinterCartridge Recycling Ltd
Cartridge Finder

Action Mental Health

One in five people in Northern Ireland will have a mental health issue at some stage in their life. Half of all mental health problems start before the age of 14.

With the help of our local community, Action Mental Health can support local people’s mental health and well- being through our recovery services which offer well-being, vocational and employability programmes. In addition to this, we also offer emotional and resilience programmes in schools and the community to help our give our children and young people the skills and knowledge they need to better care for their mental well-being.

Our vision is a society which actively values and supports people on their journey towards positive mental health. With our community working with us, this vision is possible.

Last year, our recovery and resilience services supported over 31,000 people in Northern Ireland.

By supporting this initiative not only will you be helping the environment, your fundraising will ensure we can be there for the people who need our support and services, when they need them.

Thank you.

In partnership with PrinterCartridge Recycling Ltd a leading recycling company, we have developed a scheme to turn your empty inkjet cartridges, mobile phones and surplus unused cartridges into valuable funds to help continue our work.

If you would like to help raise funds for Action Mental Health whilst at the same time reducing the amount of waste consigned to landfill please chose one of the two options below:

Recycling in larger volumes

If you are a business or organisation who will have 40 or more items in your collections please register with this website to arrange your FREE collections. Your 40 items can be a mixture of empty small inkjet cartridges, mobile phones and any unused surplus cartridges. All proceeds go to Action Mental Health - to register please go to: and click on the business button. 

If you are an individual or have a smaller collection of small empty inkjet cartridges please click on the button below and we will ensure that your items are recycled on behalf of your chosen charity / school. 

Once, you click the button below you will be redirected to our sister site for your chosen charity / school.

This is to enable us to know the items you are sending in and provide a 100% FREE service to donate your items - all proceeds will go to the charity.

****** Please note we do not take back any large Toner/Laser cartridges******

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